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Cornellian Writer For Times Obviously Not an ILRie

Right now, I'm rather ashamed to admit that I have enjoyed the articles penned by Andrew Ross Sorkin over at the New York Times. Sorkin, Cornell Class of 1999, is the editor of the NYTimes Dealbook, meaning that he has been front and center in the coverage of the Wall Street implosion and the auto bailouts.

The problem is that Sorkin made this claim today:

"Name a successful unionized company. Think. You're going to go to [commercial] break before you come up with one. And that's the problem."

Which immediately suggests that he is not an alumnus of the ILR School. Because had he been one, he would have known that there are scores of profitable unionized Fortune 500 companies out there.

Of course, Sorkin is actually a graduate of the Ag school. Shouldn't he be growing a pest-resistant strain of alfalfa somewhere?

P.S. Yeah, I know -- posting has been sparse. That should change.

Late Update: Sorkin writes in to inform us of the fact that he at least dated an ILRie while on East Hill.

Matthew Nagowski | Posted on June 03, 2009 (#)

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