Three weeks ago we launched a holiday contest, encouraging readers to submit their Cornell-themed winter/holiday haiku. And I'm pleased to announce that we have a tie! Two great haikus for the price of one. First, Becky Sopchak '08 evokes the lonely, wind-chilled feeling of a late December afternoon on the Arts Quad:
students gone, vacant quad. But
still, "Our Fair Cornell."
Meanwhile, Jenn Frohlich '06, finds some creative use in the nickname for Cornell athletics:
Transforming Big Red to White
Bells chime, time for sleep
And below is my own humble submission, which of course was excluded from consideration.
the ice is warm and glistens
with blue sun, and hope.
I still have yet to decide what the winners will receive, but I suspect that it will be something Cornell related...
Happy New Year. Best to all.