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An Open Letter To New Cornellians

While MetaEzra has been fairly adamant in trying to scope out Cornell's Early Decision numbers this year, all we can say is that we have hit a brick wall. All of our usual sources have been mum, so we're left speculating as to the volume the admissions office received this year. As they did have to delay the notification data from the 15th to the 19th of December, we suspect that the University received record numbers of ED applicants this year. Rest assured, once the information gets released, we will be reporting it.

But what we do know is this: All of the outstanding applicants we interviewed as past of Cornell's excellent CAAAN program were accepted, and we couldn't be happier. And so below, please find an open letter to all new Cornellians:

Congratulations upon your acceptance to Cornell University! Cornell only admits students who stand far above their peers in both accomplishments and future potential, and the opportunity to study at Cornell is both an honor and a privilege.

Although as an alumnus I am admittedly biased, I personally believe that you made an excellent choice in Cornell. And if you are anything like the students I interacted with during my days on East Hill, Cornell made an excellent choice in you too.

If my own experience is any indication, in the coming years you will forge fantastic friendships, expand your intellectual and social horizons, and learn countless things about the world, and most importantly, yourself. Once again, congratulations.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all Cornellians, new and old. And may 2008 bring you and your loved ones much peace, health, and happiness.

Matthew Nagowski | Posted on December 23, 2007 (#)

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